Saturday, May 3, 2014


Well as summer vacation comes near it means the end of this project. Some of you may remember that in the beginning i said this was a school project for a class. I'm probably not gonna be posting much on this blog anymore. Some of you know i have a second blog a movie and game review blog. If you guys wanna keep up with me here's the link to my other blog: i wont post as frequently over there but ill try to continue it. It's been a fun ride so far "See you later space cowboy".


I was just wondering what type of blogs you guys prefer the most. It can be any type of blog even a tumblr. the reason this is not a poll is because id have to add to many blog names and i want your opinions. Have at it in the comment secession. Also it docent have to be a blog about a show or something it can be a teachers blog for example. Hope to see some interesting choices bellow.


Since this blog is about technology i decided to do a quick review for the share factory. For those who don't know what it is the share factory is a new app on the PlayStation 4 system. It allows you to take videos that you have recorded on your system and edit them in different ways. This app although it may seem like something not so impressive it is compared to the other way we used to edit videos on our PS4. This time we can add intros, outros and transitions that are made game specific. So far the PS4 1.70 update has been a great experience and i hope they keep making awesome things. 

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Samsung galaxy note 3 first impressions

As you can tell from the title this is a galaxy note 3 first impressions. i got the phone recently and i really like it. i like it much more than the s4. you can do alot of things it can even work as a drawing tablet. m y friend says it an work perfectly as a graphics tab. If your interested buy it it wont disappoint.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Finished trimester.

Last friday we finished our third semester. We are now in the fourth and last trimester of class. So in a couple of months there wont be much posts coming from here. this trimester we have pretty much the same as the last. one exam 4 posts and 2 quizzes. ill be posting something later today as well still not sure what. see ya next post

Friday, February 7, 2014

Well this week in my class we just did a couple of things nothing really that significant to talk about. We just did a couple of exercises in class and a couple of post which this one would be the second one. Now I'm gonna post a new gadget that I found really interesting and it might help people with school projects .

 Have you ever had an idea of an exact color you wanted for a project? Whether it be a decorating project, or a fashion idea. Did you ever forget to bring a swatch with you when you were trying to match a bedspread to drapes? Have you ever taken a picture of a color with your smartphone hoping that it would help? Well have I got the gadget for you!

Check out SwatchMate a cool little cube that lets you capture any color by simply holding it up to an object or surface and pressing a button. SwatchMate actually records the color, proceeds to save it in a digital format, and then lets you refer to your chosen hue in any number of creative projects.

The SwatchMate Cube is an uber-portable device that can capture the color of any surface and, via Bluetooth, send that color data to your smartphone (iOS or Android) or even directly into Photoshop. Imagine having the exact colors of your choosing, always at your disposal!

SwatchMate doesn’t just let you incorporate colors into Photoshop or match color to paint brands, and textiles, it will help you shop for home accents, or put together outfits with shoes, and remember lipstick shades. I gotta have one! If you do too, get in on the project at The cubes are around 100 bucks (depending on where you live) and are expected to ship this summer.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Hello people of earth.

well guy's I'm back from Christmas break and back with my tech class. I dint post much this last month for family reasons and because school was over obviously. I'd like to say that this year I will make a feature for a gadget or two along the way and not just about blogging because it is a tech class after all. If any of you want to suggest an item for me to make a post about just comment on my latest post and ill try to get to  it. Anyway i hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and ill see you all in the near future.