Thursday, December 12, 2013

See ya on january

Hey guys well im here to say a short goodbye. My class semester is ending and the holidays are coming up. This will be my last post for awhile as I will be with my family celebrating. Ill be gone for about a month. So I wish you all happy holidays and a great new year


Tags can be an easy way to organize a blog. It helps your reader to easily navigate your blog. Even the most messy blogs can get organized.  Also u can categorize the post for more easy navigation. Hope you follow my advice and happy blogging

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Image Gallery

For those of you who probably dint notice I have an image gallery now.  Its purpose is to show new gadgets and cool stuff. I will be adding links in the galery to certain images. This way you can read all about it from the source. Also if anyone wants to send me a gadget to promote on here or a game to review on my other blog be sure to send those ideas at

Answers to questions

             My interest for making the blog about the tech class was mainly because I like it and it would be a bit easier. I can easily make a post of what I just did in my class while in class which is basically what I’m doing now. A person that helped me choose for the blog to be about this was a friend of mine. I also consider him like an expert in the area. I consider him an expert because he has a diploma for computer programing. He’ll help me post more things for the blog like new gadgets that might show up. I really can't specify what exactly I like about technology because its basically everything. What I find easy is being able to understand how to use different programs pretty easily. One program which I find a bit difficult to use but I can manage it is MS excel which I learned last year. Another I find really difficult is photoshop.

yes I do want to find a career in a related area. i would like to be an animator for movies. I would love to see my creations immortalized on the big screen. But I would also like to pursue a career in video games. I spent a lot of my life playing games so I would like to animate for a game as well. but not only characters but locations to. I would love to animate things from a thick jungle riddled with tropical animals and predators. An unforgiving  frozen tundra with buried secrets. Or even a blistering desert where the vultures circle around those who dare wander it. Well I wish I could do any of those things in the future or anything related to tech really. I guess I would just like to do what I would love and have fun with

The blogroll

hey guy's i know it's been a while. I've been busy with exams and the finals are coming so yeah. i have made a blogroll to help those who wish to make a blog. The of the links are technology based and are only a good source of news for gadgets and new stuff. the other 6 blogs are blog based on blogging and i believe will help you if you wish to make one. If you do make a blog remember to be a fun admin happy blogging.